Umpiring Spring 2025
Scripps Ranch Little League offers an outstanding youth umpire program! The goal of the SRLL Umpiring Program is to enhance the quality of competition within Scripps Ranch Little League by bringing credibility and fairness into every competitive game in the organization. All while allowing our youth from within our community to gain valuable work experience from the game we all love! SRLL youth umpires get to develop a sense of responsibility, learn the rules of baseball, and earn money. Adults also have the opportunity to be a part of the program. Experienced or non-experienced, we'd love to have you join our team!
Who is Eligible to Umpire for SRLL?
For the 2025 Programs, if your child turns 11 before May 1, 2025 he/she is eligible to join the program. The program provides umpiring opportunities each year to school age youth during both the regular Little League season (March-June) and Fall Ball season (September–November). If you're not already involved, we invite you to become a part of it.
Adults? Yes, you can call balls and strikes too! Any adult with appropriate volunteer clearances necessary to administer youth sports is eligible to participate as an unpaid volunteer. Parents who both receive training and umpire at least one game may receive their volunteer deposit back.
Umpiring Training / Clinic (Mandatory)
All prospective umpires must attend a mandatory umpiring clinic (approx 2hrs long) to be held Late January / Early February as well as an online training session (approx 90min). Detailed information about will be sent directly to interested umpires as the start / training date nears (approx mid-January) - sign up below even if you are somewhat interested.
Age / Pay Details
Any youth, ages 18 & under are eligible to participate in the SRLL youth umpire program. All youth umpires will receive a stipend for their participation on a per-game basis for MAPS Division and up. Youth umpires may officiate any game below the lowest division their league age would make them eligible for. Example, a league-age 13 year old could work a Majors game since 13 year-olds are not eligible to play Majors.
Ideally, SRLL would like to keep a two-division gap where possible as a best practice, with a pay and eligibility matrix as follows:
Division (Age Range) | Umpire Minimum Age | SRLL Recommended Age | Stipend |
MAPS (6-9) | 11 | 11 | $15 |
Lower Minors (9-10) | 11 | 12 | $20 |
Upper Minors (9-11) | 12 | 13 | $20 |
Majors (10-12) | 13 | 14 | $30 |
Intermediate (11-13) | 14 | 15 | $35 |
Juniors (12-14) | 15 | 16 | $40 |
Commitment & Responsibilities
Generally, an effort will be made to distribute game assignments equally amongst the umpires; however, we will also try to accommodate known conflicts and preferences. Once schedules are established, umpires are responsible for fulfilling their assignments.
• Ability to handle responsibility (being reliable, on time, and prepared)
• Maintain a high level of concentration and focus for extended periods of time
• Willingness to learn the rules of Little League baseball, and the skills to apply and enforce these rules as an umpire
• Carry yourself in a manner that reflects positively on the SRLL Youth Umpire Program (confident, assertive, respectful, and respectable)
Sign Up Here
If you are even remotely interested, you will need to sign up and attend the clinic and online training session.If you decide to not continue with the program, that is fine. But you cannot join the program later in the season, or without signing up and attending the trainings.
SIGN UP HEREQuestions?
Please contact our Umpires Coordinator at
[email protected] for more information.